Thursday, December 4, 2008

1st stop this weekend,

This new hotspot, is the indie version of Fred Segal. its on the path to being  the fist stop on every saturday shopping outing.
Basically its a retail experience that evolved from urban outfitters. In the urban store at 15 twenty they will be rotating new design collections each month making it a whole different shopping experience from the other stores.
The maja new stops to look into currently at 15 twenty are:
Alife... a magnetic new sneaker store.
What Comes Around Goes Around...The nifty boutique
Hennessey + Ingalls...the "must go to" art and architect book store.
We the Free...In other words FREE PEOPLE
Snack Bar (litterally a snack shop)
Samantha Pleet...The dolly gone grunge spin off store.
&& Hope Gallery
I'm goin' to saturday, aren't you?
